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February 24, 2021 2 min read

  1. Keep the routine going. It is widely accepted that routines play an important role in keeping our mental health under control. Feeling in control of our lives is especially important during this uncertain time, and as the weather gets colder and darker, it becomes increasingly difficult to start a new routine. Set one early and make sure it is achievable in the long term. There's no point in setting an alarm for 5 a.m. every day if you know you're just going to hit the snooze button every time.

  2. Prepare for the elements. Gone are the days when you only ran in shorts and a light t-shirt. Make sure you are prepared with a number of layers to adapt to the weather. Ideally, a good selection of clothing includes a long-sleeved top, running vest, light jacket, leggings, and gloves and hat. Then you can combine the clothes depending on the weather. Make sure you dress how you will feel in five minutes. You don't want to load up on layers only to take them off after two miles when you've warmed up!

  3. Give yourself an incentive. Try as you might, sometimes running outside in a howling storm just isn't fun. Plan a reward when you get back from your run that will give you something to visualize as you battle through the storm. A sliced ​​bagel in the toaster, ready the moment you walk in the door, can really help give you an extra boost.

  4. Respect the recovery time. Hardly anything is more tempting than slipping out of your wet clothes after a run and jumping into the hot shower. But by doing so, you've skipped one of the most important phases of a workout: the recovery phase after cooling down. By not cooling off, you allow lactic acid to build up in working muscles and increase the risk of DOMS, which means you're far more likely to feel sore and tired the next day. Instead of showering immediately, put on warm clothes and take some time to cool down. Percussive therapy is a great way to recover and is scientifically proven to reduce the effects of DOMS. Purchasing a massager like a Flow PRO or MINI is the greatest gift you can give your body.

  5. Mix it up! Just because it's cold outside doesn't mean you have to stick to the same exercise schedule you've been following during the warmer months. Use the winter to focus on cross-training like weight training or spinning. A home workout session can be easily accomplished with minimal equipment, and the strength you build will provide a great foundation as you prepare for the next season of competition. It also gives you a good excuse if you don't dare go out in the snow anymore.

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