The Flow Blog — Entspannung
Massagepistole richtig anwenden: Die häufigsten Fehler und wie man sie vermeidet
Massagepistolen sind ein effektives Werkzeug, um Muskelverspannungen zu lösen und die Regeneration zu fördern. Doch ihre korrekte Anwendung ist entscheidend, um die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse zu erzielen und Verletzungen zu vermeiden. Wir zeigen Dir, was Du beachten musst um den größten Erfolg mit Deiner Massagegun zu erzielen.
This is percussion therapy, but not as we know it.
What do the Black & Decker 400W 230V jigsaw and percussion therapy have in common? Nothing as far as we're concerned. But that's as far as some people go to tap into the ever-expanding market for percussion therapy. Since the early 1980's, percussion therapy has been a common tool in combating pain associated with sports and fitness. That makes perfect sense. Instead of taking time out of your work day, driving across town and getting someone to beat your body back into shape, you could do it yourself, in the comfort of your own home. The only problem was that...