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Spitzensportler Thomas Röhler verwendet die beste Massagepistole Flow ELITE Massagegun

Massagepistole richtig anwenden: Die häufigsten Fehler und wie man sie vermeidet

Massagepistolen sind ein effektives Werkzeug, um Muskelverspannungen zu lösen und die Regeneration zu fördern. Doch ihre korrekte Anwendung ist entscheidend, um die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse zu erzielen und Verletzungen zu vermeiden. Wir zeigen Dir, was Du beachten musst um den größten Erfolg mit Deiner Massagegun zu erzielen. 

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Vergleich der Modelle: Flow PRO vs. Flow MINI

Comparison of the models: Flow PRO vs. Flow MINI

Massagers are a hot commodity right now, but it can be frustrating when you're trying to decide which product to buy, and it's not clear what is the perfect model to fit your needs. Often you only go by the price, which is no guarantee that you will make the right choice in the end. Here at Flow we want to make sure the differences are clear so you get exactly what you need and aren't disappointed. Although the Flow PRO and the Flow MINI share the same benefits, such as: When used, such as relieving muscle soreness and speeding...

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Ist  Perkussions-Massage das nächste große Ding?

Is percussion massage the next big thing?

Is percussion massage the next big thing? At Flow Sports Technology Europe we think percussion therapy is a great way to help athletes reach their full potential. But what exactly is percussion massage? Percussion massage is a method of using a tool to apply short-term pulses of pressure to soft body tissue. In short, it's like hitting your muscles with a mini jackhammer. With a massage gun like the Flow PRO or Flow MINI, you can deliver a series of short bursts of pressure into your tissue - i.e. your muscles, tendons and ligaments. There are a number of good...

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Entschlüsseln der Fachsprache

Decoding the technical language

As more and more handheld massagers come onto the market, you might think that there is little difference between them other than the price and color. But if you take a closer look, you'll see that there's more to these devices than meets the eye. The motor Everything starts with the engine. One of the first things anyone will notice when they pick up a massager is how loud it is. Early pioneers in this industry argued that loud = more power. Tim the Tool Man Taylor, anyone? We have always disagreed with this theory and attributed it to poor...

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